Artefacts in Focus #3: a wooden statuette of Bes
Back in May 2023, I photographed this small, wooden statuette of Bes for the Garstang Museum of Archaeology’s 2024 exhibition, Creatures of the Nile (featured on the page of the online exhibition covering manifestations of power).
Bes is a fascinating deity from the ancient Egyptian pantheon (or, more likely, an collective of several different deities and demons), unlike any other. Often shown from the front in 2D, he didn’t adhere to the typical style of Egyptian art, but was short, round, and leonine in nature. He was a protector of households, of those going through pregnancy and childbirth, and of children during those early, tenuous years of life. Unlike many other gods who were worshipped in temples, Bes was more personal and was often depicted in everyday items like amulets and jewellery. His role was to scare away evil spirits and bring joy and safety to families. He was fun, jolly, a little bit mischievous, and fiercely protective of vulnerable people.
About the statuette
The statuette’s made from a polished, dark wood. I’d go out on a limb and say it’s made from ebony, considering the dark, reddish tone to the wood (the ancient Egyptian word for ebony was hbny. And yes, if you were wondering, it’s where our modern word comes from).
He’s depicted in one of his most recognisable forms, with a leonine face, ears and mane, a body displaying features of achondroplastic dwarfism, and naked except for a belt with a lion’s tail.
He’s in the collection at the Garstang Museum of Archaeology (accession number E.8136) and is 12 cm tall. Sadly, we don’t know anything about when he dates to or where he was found, as he’s completely unprovenanced. However, the representation of the dwarfism is something that began during the New Kingdom (c.1750–1069 BCE), which gives us a probable earliest date, at least.

Also in typical form for Bes, he’s almost 2D with little depth at the sides.
The statuette isn’t complete, unfortunately. He’s missing his headdress; what you see on top of his head is actually the tenon from a mortise-and-tenon joint. His original headdress would have been wide and plumed, made of ostrich feathers, similar to the one on this amulet:

He would have originally been attached to something at the base, as the wood around his feet is rough and damaged. He also has a hole going through his feet sideways.
This could indicate that the statuette might have been part of a larger piece; depictions of Bes have been found on beds, for instance.

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With gratitude and love,
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[…] This piece is featured on the Manifestions of Power page of the exhibition, and is the featured object of my third Artefacts in Focus article. […]