Re-Horakhty and Osiris: throw cushion



Ancient Egypt treats us to a wonderful and fascinating pantheon of deities, and you can’t get much more recognisable than the sun god and the god of the underworld.

Featuring a a detail from from an ancient Egyptian stela belonging to Isis, priestess of Amun and daughter of king Ramesses VI and queen Nub-Khesdeb, this cushion shows a detail of the gods Re-Horakhty and Osiris.

The stela has been lit to emphasise the two opposing lives of the deities.

Looking toward the light, the sun god Re-Horakhty (Re, who is Horus of the Two Horizons) holds the royal crook and flail, along with a composite staff featuring the was-sceptre, the ankh and the djed-pillar, making his royalty and power clear.

Facing away, looking into the darkness of his empire is Osiris, ruler of the underworld, also holding the royal crook and flail, and wearing the atef-crown – the white crown of Upper Egypt, with ostrich feathers on either side.

Separating the two gods are cartouches containing the names of Ramesses VI.

So, go on … treat yourself – or the Egyptologist in your life – to one of these fabulous cushions.